Why Does Coffee Give Me a Headache But Tea Doesn’t?

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Coffee is like an addiction for someone. A day starts well with coffee for a coffee lover. People like its flavor but also like its benefits. It boosts the energy levels in the body. Coffee awakens people for work. However, it gives me a headache. Ahh! Why does coffee give me a headache but tea doesn’t?

Some are tea lovers. They love an early morning cup of tea, and then they start their work. Tea is not too caffeinated, so it does not give you a headache.

However, sometimes, tea also causes headaches. Why does tea give me a headache? Because tea and coffee both have some impacts on our body systems. These cups of caffeinated beverages change the metabolism and cause headaches.

Caffeine intake becomes a habit. Sometimes, when a coffee lover skips a cup of early morning coffee, a headache develops. A morning cup of black coffee is like magic. Skipping causes headaches, so why do I get headaches when I do not drink coffee?

Why Do Headaches Happen?

Headache is an irritating thing. It causes your entire body to the disturbance. You cannot work well during a headache, and your focus on work changes.

The eyesight becomes blurry, and you go to bed. Some people drink coffee to get relief, and others get a headache after drinking coffee. However, why does coffee always give headaches to me?

Headache results from the interaction between the brain and body. Nerves send signals, and headache develops. Stress and particular medication can cause headaches. The blood vessels in the brain start contracting and relaxing after getting a stimulus.

This causes headaches when blood vessels relax. There are many types of headaches. The most common is migraine. Caffeine intake is one of the major causes of headache. The active ingredient of coffee increases blood flow, resulting in headaches.

Then why do I get a headache when I do not drink coffee? Because it is one of withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawing coffee causes headaches to coffee drinkers who entirely depend on coffee. Caffeine decreases the diameter of blood vessels, but when the effect decreases, blood vessels dilate. This results in a headache.

Also, see more about Why Do I Feel Sick After Drinking Coffee

Why Does Coffee Give Me a Headache But Tea Doesn’t

Well, this is the question of those people who develop headaches after drinking coffee, but when they take cups of tea, they do not develop headaches. Can coffee and tea both cause headaches? Yes, these both can cause headaches.

But black coffee in the morning has much more amount of caffeine. Caffeine consumption causes headaches. It causes the blood vessels’ diameter to narrow down.

Reduced blood flow to the brain causes headaches, and while tea contains some caffeine, it does not have a significant impact on blood vessel function.

Caffeine can relieve pain, but its effectiveness varies depending on the amount consumed. The effects of caffeine are directly related to the amount ingested. The active ingredient in coffee can also lead to headaches, dehydration, and dizziness.

Types of Headaches Caused By Coffee Drinking.

Moving from the question of why drinking coffee always causes me headaches, it is also essential to know about the headaches that coffee causes. There are three types of headaches.

  • Migraine
  • Cluster headache
  • Tension headache

The most essential headache due to coffee cups is migraine. It is determined by coffee intake level. Regular coffee is the cause of this. Tension headache is sometimes relieved by coffee if it has a good taste.

That is why drinking coffee gives me relief. However, one who takes too much caffeine daily becomes addicted, and leaving coffee causes headaches.

Coffee reduces the diameter of blood vessels due to its caffeinated effects, and an increase or decrease in the diameter of vessels cause headache. In migraine, blood vessels dilate, starting after taking a cup of lousy coffee or missing a cup of hood coffee.

Then it relieves either by taking coffee or leaving it. At the same time, tea has some soothing, pain-relieving effects.

Stress can cause tension headaches, often from overwork or feeling overwhelmed. Drinking tea can relieve this type of headache, as it has anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Drinking water and avoiding coffee on an empty stomach can also help reduce pain.

It causes dehydration, and as a result, headache develops. Headaches from drinking coffee are caffeine headaches, and those from missing a cup of coffee are caffeine withdrawal headaches.

How Much Caffeine Is In Coffee And Tea?

This is something interesting. Coffee has more caffeine, as its name indicates. That is the reason why coffee has more percentage of causing headaches. Tea has caffeine, but it also has soothing agents which cause relieve headaches.

The Exact Measurement Of Caffeine Includes:

One cup of coffee has up to 200 milligrams of caffeine, while tea has up to 70 milligrams of caffeine. Green tea has many beneficial effects. It has caffeine up to 40 milligrams.

Now, you got the answer why does drinking coffee cause headaches while tea does not? Because tea has a low amount of caffeine, and caffeine causes headaches.

What Is The Difference Between Coffee And Tea?

The main difference is in preparation. Coffee is highly processed, and it contains more amount of caffeine. At the same time, tea is lightly processed and has less amount of caffeine. Coffee taste is different from tea.

Coffee is a strong beverage. It works fastly, and it releases more amount of caffeine in a cup. It makes you awake earlier than tea. These both are energy drinks. However, tea is not too much related to headaches.

Why Does Only Coffee Give Me A Headache?

Because your body is sensitive to the high content of caffeine present in coffee, your coffee-drinking habit increases the blood flow in the blood vessels of the brain, and you develop chronic headaches. The narrowing of blood vessels does so, and it can be relieved by leaving coffee.

Is Tea Better Than Coffee For Headaches?

Yes, tea is better for relieving headaches. Headache is caused by the narrowing or dilatation of blood vessels in the brain. Drinking coffee narrows them, and you feel a headache. Tea has a low amount of caffeine and gives relief with its pain-killer ingredients.

It is difficult for a coffee lover person to shift to tea. However, you have to shift if you have chronic headaches from drinking coffee. Green tea is best in this regard.

Why Does Tea Affect Me, But Coffee Does Not?

There are specific reasons. It depends on your body system. Tea has less caffeine, but it has tannins. These affect our digestive system and also upset the stomach. Tea has a low energy level as compared to coffee.

It may have limited effectiveness in promoting alertness or aiding night shift work.

There may also be a reason you are sensitive to ingredients in tea. Coffee has different ingredients from tea. Tea has some tannins that are different from coffee. Cannot drinking tea can cause headaches. Because if you drink tea daily, it acts like a booster dose. Missing it can cause headaches.

Why Does Not Drinking Tea Cause Headaches?

If you are a person who depends on tea and takes cups of tea in a day, then not drinking tea can cause you a headache. When drinking tea becomes a habit, then missing that specific trigger at a time changes the stimulus in the body.

This dilates the brain’s blood vessels; a headache happens as these are narrowed down by drinking tea. It is one of the symptoms of tea withdrawal. Other symptoms include lethargy and a down in happiness. People feel less active during work and become active after drinking regular tea.

How Do You Get Rid Of Coffee Headaches?

Headaches due to drinking coffee can be relieved. It is not a big deal. Drink plenty of water. Caffeine withdraws water from circulation and causes dehydration. Drinking liters of water will improve it. Headaches are improved by rest. Take rest and also take some painkillers.

If you experience headaches after consuming coffee, it may be best to avoid drinking it.

Is Coffee Good For a Headache?

Coffee has a good amount of caffeine. If the headache is due to increase blood flow in the vessels, then caffeine is best for your headache. Because caffeine decreases the diameter of vessels and the speed of blood flow reduces. As a result, a person gets relief.


Finally, we learned Why Does Coffee Give Me a Headache But Tea Doesn’t? Coffee is energetic, but it causes headaches often. Regular intake of coffee and then skipping coffee at one time also causes headaches. Caffeine is good for relieving headaches but its overdose results in pain in the head.

Tea is beneficial in this aspect. It has a low percentage of causing headaches. Tea relieves headaches. Green tea is preferable in this case.

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