Is Lifeboost Coffee Legitimate? Best Guide 2023

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Today we will discuss is lifeboost coffee legitimate? According to experts, statistically, 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed per day worldwide. Coffee is an essential Beverage with multiple nutrients like vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and B3 (niacin), potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, phenolic compounds, and others.

Coffee benefits our bodies; some take coffee to boost their energy, lose weight, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, etc.

In this blog post, we will dive into Lifeboost Coffee to determine whether or not its claims hold up to scrutiny. We will look at the brand’s history, sourcing and roasting process, and health benefits. However, we will explore customer reviews and feedback to get a better sense of Lifeboost Coffee’s overall quality and effectiveness.

What is Lifeboost Coffee

Lifeboost Coffee is a legitimate USDA-certified coffee brand with flavored and classic whole beans; it is shade-grown, single-origin, and organic. It is known for its low acidity and is a better choice for sensitive stomachs.

History of Lifeboost Coffee

Is Lifeboost Coffee Legitimate

Dr. Charles Livingstone founded Lifeboost Coffee. He aimed to discover coffee he could drink that won’t affect his body and environment. This led him to Nicaragua Mountain, where he was convinced he could source delicious, completely ethical, and organic products.

He then started Lifeboost, having the best-flavored coffee possible, organic growing and harvesting. Thus, Lifeboost coffee has an outrageous amount of Awards and certifications due to these. These Certifications include the USDA organic Certification, test for Mycotoxin (by a third party), fairtrade, shade grown, kosher, etc.

The Lifeboost company believes that; “the more natural the growing and harvesting process, the healthier and better the final brew.” He (Dr. Charles) came up with this idea during his Doctorate in Nutrition Science, with the notion of creating a healthier option for lovers of coffee.

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Is Lifeboost Coffee Legitimate?

Yes, Lifeboost coffee is a legitimate coffee brand made of raw gourmet beans, it does not have any artificial processes either during its growing or harvesting period, and that’s why the brand boasts of gourmet labels and certifications.

The Lifeboost Coffee Company’s mission is to make healthy, tasty coffee with specialized unique flavors. The Coffee farmers select the coffee beans from the best coffee cherries and roast them in small quantities (batches) to ensure the highest quality and freshness.

The coffee beans are single-origin, organic, vegan, and gluten-free, made up of 100% Arabica premium quality beans with no additives. It flavored coffee has no artificial flavorings or sweeteners. 

It is confirmed that Lifeboost coffee is one of the healthiest coffee brands with no chemicals or additives (like milk and sugar). However, it still tastes great with a website of all benefits, delicious recipes, and nutritional information.

Health Benefits of Lifeboost Coffee

Lifeboost Coffee is known to have multiple health benefits, which include but are not limited to the following:

● Coffee serves as an energy drink for many

● It lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes

● It protects against liver cancer, Parkinson’s disease, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and so on

● It supports cardiovascular health 

● Lifeboost coffee protects against other liver diseases like gallstone disease and autoimmune conditions that affect the bile duct in the liver like PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis) and (PBC) primary biliary cirrhosis

● Lifeboost coffee may help you lose weight

● It also has nutritional value like polyphenols that serves as an antioxidant and many more

● Lifeboost coffee is an energy booster and can also be used to lose weight

● This coffee brand contains numerous nutrients that help in building and repairs of the body system

How Does it Work?

Is Lifeboost Coffee Legitimate

Lifeboost is a high-quality coffee brand with healthier raw beans, which are less acidic, suitable for every stomach, and no compromising flavor for health benefits!

Lifeboost is an expensive coffee that could have a better package, but the smoothness and balanced flavor of the beans profile make it up, especially when you drink black!

If trying a new coffee roast is your thing, and you are looking for a brand, Lifeboost is your best option!

How is Lifeboost Different?

It is confirmed that Lifeboost Coffee is second to none regarding healthiness and cleanliness and top-notch regarding tastiness. Many characteristics make it stand out from other coffee brands. Its differential features include but are not limited to:

Individual Selection

 The Coffee beans are allowed to grow until it’s fully matured, it is handpicked and fermented for 26 hours to avoid damaging the seed by the removal of the skin

Low Acid Coffee: 

After the skin removal, the Coffee beans are washed with spring water, sun-dried to 11.5% humidity content, allowed to rest for 30 days, and then roasted. A Laboratory pH meter is used to test for its low acidity

Certified USDA Organic: 

It is a certification given to a plant grown on soil with no prohibited substances like fertilizers and pesticides for three years. This Certification is given to a Company brand with such plant characteristics


All the specialty beans Lifeboost uses are from the exact origin, which is grown on farms in the mountains of Nicaragua


 Only 2% of coffee is shade grown, according to Lifeboost. Lifeboost coffee is shade grown at a high altitude of 5,700+ ft, which results in higher quality, Ideal temperature for growing coffee. It improves water quality and conserves water and soil

3rd Party Testing:

Only Companies with particular regard for their customers do the third-party testing and share it with them. This third-party lab investigation tests for heavy metals, mycotoxins, and many more toxins, readily available on request.

Lifeboost coffee company carries out this test on each batch of coffee beans they receive from their farmers (once/twice a year)

Tolerable Farming Practices:

Is Lifeboost Coffee Legitimate

Their wages are fair, and they donate part of the profit to Rainforest Trust (they help protect threatened tropical forests) and Project Alianza (they help build schools for the local coffee farmers’ children) per bag purchase

No extra chemicals, low acidic produce suitable for sensitive stomach, products available in whole bean, pods, or ground. Their guarantee is a 30 days cash back, and flavored coffee is available, which is one of their uniqueness; Burlap bags are available for shipping.

Is Lifeboost Coffee Legitimate?(FAQ )

Yes, Lifeboost Coffee is a legitimate brand known for its uniqueness. It is organic, shade-grown, low acid, 3rd party tested, and many more. They have varieties of coffee flavors to suit people’s tastes and needs. It is clean, tasty, and it is worth it.

Is Lifeboost Worth It?

Yes, Lifeboost is worth it. It is said that it is pricey, but with what they offer, it is worth the money or even more. They ensure the coffee is clean, tasty, and flavorful.

Lifeboost coffee is a delicious and aromatic coffee which are available in decaf and a variety of flavors. Their products are Mycotoxin and Pesticide free, organic, shade grown, less acidic, and have a 30 days cash back.

Is Lifeboost Affordable?

Lifeboost is on the high side, it operates the specialty movement, and the beans might go out of stock. Its varieties make it worth its price.

What makes Lifeboost stand out against other Coffee brands?

It is a low-acid coffee, which is original (single origin), shade-grown certified USDA organic. This brand also runs a third-party test and operates on tolerable farming practices.

Who is Lifeboost Coffee for?

We have spent time trying to review the Lifeboost coffee brand; who is it for? What is our final verdict? In our findings, its commitment to ecological and ethical standards is a thing to consider. While other brands are having increasing issues with environmental and ethical standards, Lifeboost is an exception.

Many have tried its flavors, and they are satisfied with it, so you should give it a try. You can only testify to it when you try it by brewing the beans to your liking.

So therefore, Lifeboost is for coffee lovers who care about its ecological and ethical effects and prefer it organic.


Lifeboost is a top-notch coffee brand known for its originality, toxin-free, shade-grown, low acidity certifications, balanced flavor suitable for every kind of stomach, and exceptional properties.

It is a better option, if not the best; it has a tolerable farming procedure and numerous health benefits. Its beans can be brewed into different flavors depending on your taste and preferences.

It has a fantastic taste, specialty beans, and a stomach-friendly product. If you are a coffee lover and need to know which brand to choose, this article is for you. It is an assurance that you will never regret choosing this coffee brand. 

Go for Lifeboost and thank us later. 

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